In a Spot Need Info Please


I have a good job but the phone rings I did not try or ask for the damm ring but I got it. I now have 3 jobs to think on all better than the rest. I like my job now but yes the next is paying more. I really like my job and yes more money is right there. Damm hard to come up with a reason to chase the money. I need your thoughts when this comes up.
You need a whole lot more info before you switch, especially in today's job market. Who will you be working for, what's their financial status, why are they hiring, how long will the job last, etc.?
Don't throw out the baby with the bath water. A good job in todays market is hard thing to find.
I chased the money--or attempted to. I thought I wanted to be an architect, but my heart really wasn't in it. I blamed the "dumb school teachers" for not teaching right. I quit and found a job in the construction field estimating.

My heart has alsways been in the outdoors. I should have been a wildlife technition. I spend a lot of my time working on habitat projects and planting food plots for deer, turkeys, and rabbits.

Like I told my kids: find a job you like and the money will take care of itself.

Good luck.

Are you happy where you are now? Happiness is worth $15 an hour in my opinion. I have seen a whole lot of people that have higher paying jobs and all they do is complain about the job conditions. This affects your health and all of your life and demeanor. Just my .02.
I have gone from a known job to another just because it was there. In both cases, after then change, I was laid off. Now, I don't have a problem getting a check from the government for a few months but it was tough to pay the bills.

I finally landed a job in a field I can related to and have been teaching in high school ever since.

Trying to determine what a student should do after high school is a bit difficult, especially if they don't have a clue what they want to do. Best thing for us to do is teach them to cipher, figure and scribe.

Expecting teachers to prepare a student for a job might be putting the focus on the wrong person. The parents should be the ones to move the student in the correct direction. They should be guiding the student toward the courses and schools where the student will get the most benefit. After all, they might have 2-10 kids to guide where the teacher, in many schools, has over 100 and the counselor over 200.
You said, "I like my job now but yes the next is paying more".

If you like your job, the folks you are working for are probably treating you good - because they like you. They may give you a reason to like your job even better, if you present the situation to them.

Good luck with your decision. I wish everyone had your problem ;~)

You cannot look solely rates these offers based on pay.
Here are just a few things I would consider:

- Are the jobs salary pay, or hourly.
- If hourly, any overtime. Do you want OT, or do you want weekends free for farming/family?
You can get into a job where you are working so much OT that you'll get burnt out.
- What is the financial health of these companies?
Doesn't matter if they have been around for 100 years, they could be bought out.
Private, public, or family run. Family run can lead to problems, if your last name is different.
Competitors of these companies. Are these businesses viewed as a good place to work, or is everyone looking to escape, and they are now offering you money to hire in there, since all the talent has exited.

- Health care contributions, retirement contributions, pension, eye care, dental etc. They should present you with a package (pay, health benefits, retirement, and what you are responsible for financially).

- Out of pocket health care can eat away at your "better" pay real quick, versus a company that pays a little less and offers insurance.

Are you single, and want to gamble for a few years making more money? Or do you need a steady income to provide for a family?

I would research anyone offering you a job, just like they did a background check on you. Careers are a two-way street.

It is ok to call the companies, if you have questions on details of their offers to you. They obviously want to hire you or else they would not have extended an offer to you.

Sorry, might be a little long winded, but you're dealing with your future, not a used car purchase.

Good luck,

Take the money. There is no such thing as job security and a job is made a whole lot easier knowing that you are making a decent buck.
That is kind of a poor answer Paul,most places will probaly just say."Don't let the door hit you on the way out" and then you are in trouble plus maybe out of a job.
too many teachers are bozos that are in it because they 1: lazy 2: for the money 3: too dang dumb too get a job somewhere else.
mrs 730"s ex is perfect example of what i"m talking about.
i had more than my share of teachers that didn"t care about what they were doing and the students suffered becase of it.
don"t get me wrong we need good school teachers mrs 730 was one for 34 years and has to me more than once what i had already thought
6 years ago I liked my job alot, then they promoted a guy that I got along with if I worked along side of him but once you worked for him he turned into a power hungry a$$h*le. Now i can't stand my job, haven't been happy in years and plan on quitting(been there almost 12 years)as soon as I finish the project I am working on this summer hopefully ( I told myself that 1 1/2 years ago and should have quit then). So I would say if you are happy there stay with it. Like they say "do something you like and you'll never work a day in your life".
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