prairie dog hunting?


Well-known Member
Where can a person go prairie dog hunting for a reasonable price?Neb or SD.I dont mind paying seeing I own a farm also and have people hunt deer on it but I also do not want to pay 1000.00 at a lodge.
cant you just go for room and board...

I dont have any p-dogs, but for that kind of money, I can get some. We let folks hunt wild hogs for free as they are a nusience animal and there is no season on them and you can hunt them year around with no license. Your basically doing the farmer a favor by hunting hogs... I would suspect lots of folks would love to get rid of the prairie dogs.
I will not pay for helping a farmer get rid of a pest. Went west river in SD and was asking farmers to hunt, and when they asked how much we would pay, we said we don't pay to get rid of pest. They let us hunt. However, they will try and get any money they can from anybody that wants to pay to shoot.
I would like to try hog hunting also. Trying to enjoy some life instead of working 7 days a week.Have over 30 guns but donot even go hunting on our own land.I figure dog and hog hunting a person can do in warm months.Hog hunting would be fun also I could pay or trade some labor while hunting .Good around operating machinery maybe could help during harvest season?
Hunting them is passé. Now you are supposed to be fishing for them.

Never heard of paying to hunt them either. But then again I'm old school and believe in giving the animals a fair shake so wouldn't bait or give deer a food plot just for the idea of hunting them there.
Prairie dog fishing.
I asked the same thing last year and a rancher from Wyo answered and said to come on and bring all my friends. No charge. Real danger to his livestock. I'll see if I can find his name and or number and get back to you.
we can't get people to hunt wood chucks Pa.
I'd think a farmer would put a fella up &
feed him to hunt prarie dogs....
Both of my BIL"s go prairie dog hunting every year.I"ve never joined them but they tell me they go out to the "west river" (South Dakota) area and ususallyjust stop at some local cafes and ask if they know of any ranchers that might have "dogs" They almost always find a farmer /rancher whose happy to have them. One year they hunted on Indian land and had to pay for a "guide" to set around and drink beer while they hunted. Said never again!
I am sure there are lots of farmers and ranchers in the Texas Panhandle that would love to have you hunt them. Those thing are a real pain here. Seems like I heard once that they were protected in TX. Anyone know for sure on that?
They better not be protected in Texas- I"ve shot them.
My buddies and I usually go to CO to shoot which is legal as long as you are "controlling the population". No "sport" shooting allowed.
Had a friend that went west every year prairie dog hunting.He took a bolt action rifle & a mini-14 Ruger And several cases of ammo. He said most ranchers loved having them shoot the prairie dogs. He said some want pay for their ammo.
last time I went up in the panhandle of Texas around Dumas & Dalhart you needed a $40 varmint lic. & could shoot all you wanted ...ranchers at the coffee house in the morning would invite you out free...stayed in a little old motel for $250 a week...put 8000 rds. through [2] 700 varmit Remingtons in .223 Ackley Imp. & about 800rds through a Shilen barrel 700 with a round I built on a Ackley design 8mm rem. mag necked down to .244 cal...70gr. ballastic tip running 4200fps. burned the leade out at about 750rds....didn't shoot anything closer than several at 985...never could make the 1000yrd shot....had a ball with good friends...remember everything out there stings or bites... Kent
Friend goes somewheres in Dakotas on an Indian Reservation(with councils permission)not even sure uf you need a license/permit there
I was just a couch potato one night a couple weeks ago, a show about going down underground or something, started with ants and bugs, then praire dogs and rabbits etc. Seems a praire dog makes deep long burrows that- when it does rain, soak up water and they are ready for it and whatnot, but the ground is soaked, and that is a good thing west of the Missouri ain't it? Seems since white folks showed up with accurate rifles and poisons, the ground doesn't soak up water too well.. hummm. And ranches need them all shot off so's they can afford another well to get alcalide selser from 1200 feet down. Here's another humm. Unless some one was either riding or chasing it, I never saw an animal of any kind fall into or trip in a hole of any sort. You'd think if that was the case even while running, indians would have just chased herds of buffalo into praire dog colonies and watch em break all thier legs and stuff. Animals I know just don't get hurt like that whilst just walking around, well the animals I hang around with anyway. I don't like to pay a grand to shoot rifles either, I shoot at cardboard at 300 and 900 yards, and hitting a target the size of my bathroom with open sights at that range suits me fine.

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