Tractor crossing border USA - CAN


Well-known Member
Hi all , I'm trying to bring a 1962 tractor into Canada , and now the U.S.A customs say they need the title 72 hours in advance to check it for theft , leans etc.or I could be fined up to $5000.00 Well first of all there was never a title attached to tractors , and last year I brought in my Super 88 and only paid the applicable tax. Have you folks experinced this yet ? is this some new Gov. poicy ?
Had similar problems at Sarnia/Port Huron bringing a tractor from the US to Canada.
On the way over they informed me they wanted the deed, title, registration, license, bill of sale etc and 3 days warning of my return trip.
Knowing the potential ill disposition of the all powerful customs official and their lack of a sense of humour. I was very diplomatic, polite, soft spoken trying explain it was a JD FARM tractor, not a highway tractor.
The customs agent adamantly insisted on deed, title and registration etc. He even started getting cranky.
It was a no win situation so I had to back out of the tractor purchase.
Canada Customs were waiting for me on the return trip. Flagged me over and greeted me with the words " where is the tractor"?
They were all wearing a disappointed pout after telling them I didn't purchase the tractor after all.
I have no idea how or why the entire group of customs agents could think a farm tractor was registered like a highway tractor.
Anything since I've brought over has been via a trucker/broker.
Thanks for sharing , I guess that I'm not alone on this one. Funny thing even the trucking company that hauled the tractor from down state said they also would have been turned away at the border . My chum suggested to not stop at the USA border and just pay the CANADA taxes. Another suggestion was to take a tire off and some parts to claim it as a parts tractor. I better have the previous owner swear an affadavid to make everything legal.
I went to Customs here They say "Complaints/Comments
CBP pledges to treat the public with dignity and respect and to perform our duties in a professional manner. If you have had an experience with CBP in which you do not believe that pledge was honored, we invite you to submit a complaint to us for review. We will carefully research your complaint, and while due to privacy laws we cannot always tell you the outcome of our findings, we will respond to let you know that your complaint has been given serious consideration. You may also use this link to submit a comment about CBP, or even to give us a compliment."

It would be interesting to know what they say about this.
Pure window dressing and token effort to appease the local Member of Parliament who has taken an earful of complaints. About the few but nasty customs officials that makes customs staff in general look like bullies, egomaniacs or incompetent.
You don't suppose a complainer wouldn't be marked and subject to extra thorough inspections for the rest of their lives?
Best just to suffer in silence and say yes sir, thankyou sir. And accept it as part of human nature.
"You can't fight city hall."
"due to privacy laws we cannot always tell you the outcome of our findings, we will respond to let you know that your complaint has been given serious consideration"..............what sense does that make? They can"t even tell the complainant the decision that they made?
Dennis Benson has been on here before saying much the same. I don't know if he is a joker, twisted, deluded or has his nose way up somebody's *ss in the customs department.
I was waiting at customs one night and couldn't help but overhear a group of young keen customs officers. The talk was "gotta get somebody tonight", Yup gonna get a good bust tonight somehow.
As I was leaving from paying duty on some imports. The keener officer who had been talking loud was bringing in some poor family guy in cuffs. With his wife and three public school age kids. Triumphantly waving a palm sized pepper spray for dog protection.
Not even illegal in Canada if for use on dogs or bears.
Haven't seen somebody look so happy and smug as that young customs guy. That cost some innocent guy a lot of time and money to clear his name plus the hassle.
Must have been related to the security personal that strip search children and senior citizen wasp's. Yet let the target visible minority through so they are not accused of harassment and racial profiling.
I avoid customs if possible. Go through the vehicle first at home to make certain there is nothing sharp or pointed. No food or beverage of any kind except clearly declared alcohol from the Duty Free store.
Only say yes sir, no sir, thankyou sir
and tell the truth. If they ask if you were ever in a school yard fight in grade 5 and you were. Never lie, say yes because they know more about you than you know about yourself. Lie about one little thing and you are dead meat as they will suspect you of anything and everything.
That said 90% of customs officers are good folk just doing an important, dangerous and thankless job. It's the 10% that can ruin your life on a whim.
The US customs officers is the main reason I quit going to Canada, they gave me all of the grief, canadain officers were very helpfull.
I"ve been to Canada only once, before passports were necessary- have them now. We had a great time, Winnipeg area and west to Portage La Prairie area, then home. No problem getting into or out of Canada, but US side....ok, but different. One officer making small talk while the one in the office is obviously double-checking our US exit records from several days earlier, couple hundred miles east. Questioned us about where our camping food eggs came from- if from Canada, they would confiscate them! We bought them in MN, surprised they didn"t need a receipt. Reminded me of a previous entry into the US- easier to leave the "foreign" country than enter the home one.
"Dennis Benson has been on here before saying much the same. I don't know if he is a joker, twisted, deluded or has his nose way up somebody's *ss in the customs department."

Sorry I offended you, it's none of the above. I'll drop out of this forum.
You can stay but just make it clearer that it's a joke rather than serious. If anyone says John Q. Public can get any justice from public bureaucrats if the bureaucrats have made an error.
Anybody keeping up with the RCMP tasering that Polish tourist to death in Vancouver? If it wasn't for the video they would have walked away scott free.As it is all they may be busted for is perjury at best.
There are some new rules which state that you have to send your shipping manifests to the border crossing 24 hrs in advance. Doing that would be easier than trying to get out of trouble since there was no title issued for farm equipment you could send a copy of the bill of sale and the serial number and explain that it is antique farm equip.
Hey Dennis! Don't let B&D get ya down. If there was an election on here you would beat him 2:1.

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