Old Briggs question


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Billy Shafer on November 05, 2013 at 20:32:08.
The original subject was "Re: Old Briggs question".

Can I please get a copy of the manual for the Briggs model 23A. I have a friend who recently purchased a vintage Spinaway Rotary Mower with this engine and we are trying to restore it. My e-mail is [email protected].
(quoted from post at 10:24:05 09/08/16) This message is a reply to an archived post by Billy Shafer on November 05, 2013 at 20:32:08.
The original subject was "Re: Old Briggs question".

Can I please get a copy of the manual for the Briggs model 23A. I have a friend who recently purchased a vintage Spinaway Rotary Mower with this engine and we are trying to restore it. My e-mail is [email protected].

Not to step on "The Bull's" toes here, but you can download both the operator's manual and the parts list for FREE right from B/S.



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