Wayne's Coating

If I were you I'd find something more important to contemplate than misspelled words on CraigsList. Occasionally someone here on YT misspell's a word but everone know's what they are trying to say and move along without ridding their back. Belittling folks over misspellings rarly turn out good.
Being a good speller in English is one of those freak abilities, similar to knowing the day of the week of any date in history. There may be languages which lend themselves to correct spelling less than English does, but I'm not aware of any---and I've studied quite a few. Once, just to confirm this for myself, I made a list of the ways you could spell the word element "tane" (to rhyme with pane). I could come up with 14. Not that I'm claiming that this was a good use of time.

Hello Stan in Oly,Wa,

Italian language is 99% phonetic, no need for spelling.....

Probably hasn't seen the word written down before, only heard it on TV shows. It's pronounced "Wayne's Coating" so at least the choice of words is understandable.

At least he spelled "Wayne" and "Coating" correctly, and used the proper possessive form of Wayne, rather than the plural. It would make no sense for many Waynes to have a coating.
Yeah. I used to enjoy correcting folks' spelling and grammar. Then one day, I realized I enjoyed having friends more.
According to my Webster's Student Dictionary, it can be spelled either "wainscoting" or "wainscotting". Both mean the same. I see my spell check wants one "t".

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