Mint plant uses suggestions


Well-known Member

I have quite a bit of this mint growing here. I am looking for suggestions to use it. It will spread more if I let it. I'm hoping may be to cut it up and use later?

Sewannee Tea:
3 large tea bags (family size)
8 – 10 sprigs of fresh mint (a sprig meaning a piece 8 –12")
1 cup sugar (3/4 works just as well – depends on your taste)
1 can frozen lemonade concentrate (12 oz)

Bring 1 quart of water to a boil. Remove from heat and stir in teabags and mint. Let steep 20 minutes. Remove teabags and mint. Stir in sugar, stir in lemonade concentrate. Add enough water to make 1 gallon.

My oldest sister makes this for family gatherings, pretty good.
Mojitos are a pretty good beverage also, if you like something with a little kick.
Mint julep Cocktail
The mint julep is a mixed alcoholic drink, or cocktail, consisting primarily of bourbon, water, crushed or shaved ice, and fresh mint.
Main alcohol: Bourbon whiskey
Ingredients: 1 teaspoon Powdered sugar, 2 oz. Bourbon whiskey, 2 teaspoons Water, 4 Mint leaves
Preparation: In a highball glass gently muddle the mint, sugar and water. Fill the glass with cracked ice, add Bourbon and stir well until the glass is well frosted. Garnish with a mint sprig.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Mint sprig
Drinkware: Highball glass
Also the mojito uses mint rum and lime. I'd prefer the mint julep to the mojito, but it's a matter of taste.
I've been trying to get it to grow for years around the house--if you don't want it-buy goats they destroy it.
If you get a mosquito bite grab a few fresh leaves and rub them on it like you are trying to make a grass stain (you probably will). The itching will be gone before you walk away.

I have cat mint (cat nip) plants and do the same. That's the only reason I keep it around. That, and because it makes one of the cats absolutely mental. I love watching her roll and roll in it.
I don't remember if it was Spearmint or peppermint oil that I bought to get rid of the mice. It was
$20 an ounce. Just put a drop or two of that oil on a cotton ball and stick in a mouse hole and they
leave. bjr
Hello bjr,
I have it growing around the garden, but the moles are not affected by them.
If I take a drop or two on concentrate may be will be the ticket,

Hello RayP(MI),

I have plenty here to do what she needs for the jelly. Does it have to be fresh?I have made about 6 ounces of concentrate from two of those you see in the picture. I used 1.5 ounces to make a 750CC bottle of mint liqueur. I'm guessing about 60 proof. I'm not at my computer, I can't post the picture now. But I can tell you that it does taste pretty good.

Wife sez boil green leaves, let it steep, use rhat to make jelly. She's new to this. Suggest consulting a good recipe book.
Hello RayP(MI),

I am new at this herb thing as well. I took a few leaves and soaked them in alcohol, that got me the essence/oil out of the mint. I used 1.5 Oz, of it to make a 1 liter of mint liqueur. The 750CC bottle is full, I'm working on what was left from the mix. May be 2 finger left on a quart Mason jar. Great on ice cream..............


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