walnut huller


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by old on April 09, 2012 at 16:11:26.
The original subject was "Re: walnut huller".

I would like the plans for the walnut huller if you would please.
Maybe this will work
I'm not sure if you're talking about the walnut husk or the walnut shell, but I can discuss both to some degree.

My ex-father-in-law had devices to do both. For husking he built a drum from expanded metal (in the photo, the red device that looks like a barbecue grill). He mounted it on metal frame with a pulley and electric motor. He could drop in a load of walnuts, turn on the motor and sometime later the shells would be almost polished.

He also built a cracker (no photo available) that operated on the same principle as a lever-type pecan cracker, just much heavier-duty and a lot more leverage. But that darn thing would crack out walnut and hickory nut meats in halves--just exploded the shells. Never saw anything like it. If you're any kind of a fabricator you might try your luck at putting these things together.
Yeah, you'd have to know the ex-pa-in-law. Heck of a guy; didn't half-do anything. That thing has electric hoist; pullers; hot and cold running water, sinks, cutting tables, etc.

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