used torch set?


Been looking for a used acetelyne torch set with full size tanks. Prices seem kind of high. $450-$750. Would I be better off buying new? Or buying one of those smaller tank units from TSC.

I was able to sort of "sneak up" on my torch set. I found the basic set at a farm auction. It was well used and somewhat beat up. It had the guages, hoses, and just the cutting head. There were no brazing tips, no tanks, and the hoses weren't much good, so not too many folks wanted it. I think I paid $25 or maybe less. I went to a welding supply shop and got new hoses, a couple of brazing tips, and the small tanks, and I was in business with maybe a couple hundred dollars invested, but that was 20 to 25 years ago.
check at your local welding supply store, they have good quality starter torch sets reasonable. if you need parts or service, they are right there to help. compare lease vs purchase options on cylinders. all mine are leased, and the welding shop just exchanges the emptys.
Depends what size you want. If its a carry around
set, I would buy them from your local welding
supply. Parts will always be available(usually).
A larger set will cost more but will be more
economical. I see #2 acetylene and 120 Oxygen
tanks for sale at auctions, wantads, or Craigslist for between 300 and 400 dollars.
I have had a set for 40 years. But, I usually
buy regulators, torches, and tips on Ebay. Every
know and then I get a bum item, but overall it
seems to be a cheap way to replace mine when
needed. My hose is always bought new as this is
the last place you want to skimp.
ps. For safety put one way valves between the
regulator and hose.
another ps. If you can get a good bill of sale
you will not have to pay the yearly lease.
another ps. I always had good luck with AIRCO and
I know some people do not like them.
Most of that price is for the cylinders, however you have to make absolutely sure that the cylinders are in fact refillable and owner purchased. If they are non returned lease cylinders, you will never get them filled(they are considered stolen). Considering that a decent torch set will last a lifetime,I'd just get a new name brand set. Check out which one feels the most comfortable to you. I'd recommend buying from an established welding supply. You could also price out cylinders whether you buy or lease them. Dave
I took a different approach after only finding used stuff that looked like it had been dragged behind a truck for forty miles. I bought a new Victor Super Range set with a "B" tank and 80 CF. Oxy. Total cost was $826 including tax. Bought those in 1981. Cost avg. is about $30/year for trouble free reliable torches. Those are the only size tanks we can purchase here.

It is here:
Hi Chester,

According to the inflation calculator which someone posted on this forum a few weeks ago, $826 dollars in 1981 was the equivalent of $1,962 in today's dollars. I'd be surprised to have to pay that much today for the setup you describe. Then again, I'm often surprised by the current price of things I haven't looked at in a few years.

All the best, Stan
Hi Stan, think you are about right. I'd have trouble paying $1962 for that also. Things have changed here a lot since 1981 and you could probably still do it for less than $800, might have to settle for import torches though. More avenues of supply these days.
Nice cart design, I may have to borrow some of your ideas. The side by side I have is okay but is a bit clumsy to move.
Thanks for all the advice! Think I"ll be making a trip to my local gas supplier for tank rental prices.
Hi Red,

Theres nothing finner than a Victor 100 torch. Small body for great hand control and less hand fatigue. A with a 3/16"x25ft hose works well for shop use. The torch is rated for 1-1/2" cutting or brazing 1/2" plate. Great quality and will last a very long time.

You won't use too many tips, No3 cutting tip and a No0 brazing tip, for 99% of work in a commercial/home shop. A small rosebud is nice but not used all that much. All other tip sizes will most likely stay in the drawer.

The small portable tanks are of no use for the commercial/home shops. These tanks are for carrying up on the roof for small jobs.

A 200cft Oxy, 100cft Acet, tank size works very well for a commercial/home shop. The last (owner)cylinders I bought were $165eh then exchange when empty. Be sure and check your local gas supplier for cost of both cylinders and the Victor torch sets.

Nothing wrong with other brands other than the large mixing body size is like using a club that causes hand fatigue and ragged cuts/welding.


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