Removing threaded pipe from exhaust manifold

This message is a reply to an archived post by Billy Shafer on September 25, 2010 at 07:26:53.
The original subject was "Re: Removing threaded pipe from exhaust manifold".

Hi... Billy, i have a One Cyl Wisconsin that has about One inch of what was once a muffler Pipe... waht Info. could You give me on this,,, Obviously I have tried the soaking fluids mentioned here Thanks Larry KF4LKU
You're going to have to heat it!
I then use an "Internal pipe wrench" that
expands to grip and screw it out. I "Think"
mine is a Crapsman, (It's 5 degrees here in
Wisconsin, this morning...too cold to go to the
shop and check)
An "easy out" would work , on the heated fitting,
but who has one that big!
I had to do this on a Briggs ZZ engine. The pipe was broken almost flush with the block. What I did was to use a hack saw blade to cut two places about a 1/2 inch apart into the wall of the pipe in the port. I then took an air chisel, caught the edge on the pipe between the cuts and chisel this chunk out. Then I collapse the rest of the pipe in the port an removed it

Sorry for the delay. Been busy getting a new shop ready to open.

The way I do it. Heat the pipe up until it glows. Then with a punch and hammer. Fold the pipe in on itself. It will fall out without damaging the manifold. The hacksaw blade works well. Just be careful not to damage the threads.

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