J Schwiebert got a Fiat problem

This message is a reply to an archived post by J. Schwiebert on October 01, 2011 at 07:20:12.
The original subject was "Re: J Schwiebert got a Fiat problem".

I have a Oliver 1255 4x4 with a cav pump. Wasn't running cleaned screen on the pump and started right up. Got it home changed the fuel filters and now it won't start. Have fuel to the pump and to all the bleeders on the pump but nothing coming out the injector lines. Checked the screen again on the inlet line to the pump but that was clean. Any ideas? Thanks
Fiat diesels are a real pain in the rumpus to get started after changing filters. Grab a chain and go to towing. It will start. BTDT.
thanks I will try that tonight. I bought the tractor from a friend who had it running and ran good. Decided to start changing filters and just won"t fire now.
No water in the fuel. Just drained the old fuel that was in it and started changing the fuel filters and bleeding lines and now it won't start. But something to look at if towing it doesn't get it going. Thanks
Another thing to check, if NAPA/Wix fuel filter is used make sure the filter top outer groove does not have an O ring in it, that's the filter fuel inlet. I've made service calls to correct that mistake. Not a problem with CAV filters..
(quoted from post at 18:00:42 06/02/15) Tried everything but take the pump apart. Fuel still just barely dribbles out the injector lines at the injector
ou need to have the lines cracked not too loose and very important must have it w.o.t. when cranking when it starts to fire close lines and should start.
Hi sorry never received your email. I did however get the darn thing running. Purrs like a kitten. Turned out my buddy didn't have the springs and plunger in right where the fuel inlet is on the pump. Once I got that put together right I bleed the lines and bleeders on the pump and got it to start. With the help of a little ether of course. Thanks for all the help. Is there any website that anyone recommends to get parts from. I'd like to replace the Cobb job on the tie rod bars and links also the tie rod ends.

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