Ford 8N no power under load


This message is a reply to an archived post by Chris_P on May 02, 2013 at 09:07:28.
The original subject was "Ford 8N no power under load".

Was a conclusion ever reached? My 8N has the exact same problem right now.
"My 8N has the exact same problem"

6 or 12 volt? Front or side distributor?

If front dist, make sure the firing order is correct. Make sure the spark plug wires are still connected to the dist. If that is all good, check spark. Then fuel flow thru the carb.
Does it sound as though it is missing out? Listen for a rhythm change. At around 45 min to an hour of runtime my 2N will start to get a bad rhythm and that will continue until I clean the fouled spark plugs.. During that time I have little to no power, I can usually nurse it back to my shop, doesn't have enough power to push it in 3rd hi gear. (Sherman Hi Lo thingy)

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