1050 G restoration


Well-known Member
been thinking about restoring this old girl. I have not done much research yet, I thought this would be a good place to start. Are there inframe kits available ?
I agree....Nice tractor. Im working on getting a G950 operating again. I like the big ones.
YES Kevin, I did! Thank you for your response. Sorry I didnt get back to you, been busy. I plan on putting the cab back on but have some work on the motor to do and thought if I get it running good enough to use I would try and put some fenders and platform on it to at least use it this fall (since I wont get the cab fixed up in time) Mine is a 1971 flat grille model. Had to fix the lube pump and pto on it.
Hi allan, just wondering what was wrong with your pto? On my 1050 the lever just moves back and forth and does not feel like it is engaging. There is a cover on the top that I could look through,I think I just have to lift the cab a little. I am planning on rebuilding the motor, she burns oil. If you can help with the pto problem that would be great...Thanx ...Lyle
Well....originally it was to put in a new lube filter in the trasmission. Found out it wasnt the filter but the lube pump, then had to adjust the pto but the guy I bought it from had a thrust washer for the pto so I decided to install it, then decided to put in new plates in the pto..so hopefully everything will work well when Im done. It was used on a round baler and things were a little loose in the clutch. You might be able to see a little through the pto adjusting plug. Is there any snap at all to your lever?
There arent' any inframe kits that I know of. They are sleeveless jugs, so if it still has standard pistons, you would probably go with 20 over pistons and have the jugs bored at a machine shop. I priced out pistons a few years back for one of my 504 engines and I think pistons and rings were around a thousand dollars. Rods and main bearings were around four hundered and gasket set about six hundered. I think the pistons were available in 20,40 and 60 over, and have also heard of in between sizes. You would have to tear it down and see whats in there and go from there, same with bearings. Mine still has standard bearings and pistons in. One of my dads G1000's had 60 over pistons in it. I have read a lot of guys order from a place called Welters Implement, I believe out of Missouri, I just get get my parts from the local Agco dealer that has been good about finding aftermarket suppliers. Big thing with them is to keep them cool when working them otherwise they can crack heads. We have also had a few break piston tops at the ring gap, as long as you shut them down quick this usually doesent cause damage. Good luck whatever you decide to do.
Thanx for the info molineguy and alan, Im sure when I or if I start this project I will be pickin for brains quite abit, I have two tractors apart right now so this winter I should be able to finish them up Then I might be able to work on the old mini mo
What do you mean "Shut them down quickly" If I am following you correctly that's the worst thing you can do. Most all old MM mechanics and factory techs agree and have come to the conclusion that the engine needs to warm up slowly and shut down slowly. Also the valves can be running white hot.and the only way they are cooled is when they sit on the seat. If you shut off a hot engine (depending on the number of cyl there is always one or two exh valves that are not touching the seat) and you will warp a valve. I always run an engine (any engine) just above an idle for several seconds, or if working hard several minutes. Lots of times if plowing would let idle go do chores and then shut off. I have never cracked a head.
We always let a hot engine cool down for several minutes, what I was refering to, was shutting it down quickly when it starts knocking from a broken piston. Over the years we have had three different G1000's break piston tops where the ring gaps are. All broke while doing light work at half throttle, they will start a knockin and none of them had any damage except the broken piston, thats what I meant by shutting it down quickly. I should have worded that differently in my first statement, maybe it was misunderstood.
O------K That's an entirely different story.I agree witrh you conpletely. I'm sorry I junped on you, But I didn't want to see anybody abuse an engine that way.
Welters Farm Supply, Verona MO, 417-498-6496. Ask for Lois in parts. Ask for Ed if you want advice and have the time.

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