Craigslist is gonna get me in trouble I tell ya

Matt L

I have a loader on a ZTU Im trying to sell. Get a email so I call him. Wants to put the loader on a moline he has that has a backhoe put on it- Its really light in the front, Old owner scrapped the wheel weights that were on it I guess. Guy knows nothing about what it is besides thats its a diesel.

Im listening by then.....

I know my loader wont work, but I gotta know what the tractor is by now.

I tell him where the model # is and serial # - he phones me back in 10 min or so

Says its a UTIL D serial # 0530000.

He asks me all kinda of questions on it - I offer to go look at and help.

Few min later in the convo I of course ask if he wanted to sell it eventually etc etc - he says sure but he needs to get enough outta it to mount the backhoe one his bucket loader.

Im gonna look at in a couple weeks when I go to my buddies house to swap my case vac engine.

I guess the tractor is in pretty good shape overall.

I did some research already on serial numbers. says there was 2 made? I dunno if he read the number wrong or what since there was 00001 & 00002.

I'll know more later I guess
There were 114 made from 1953 to 1959. You're missing the last digit of the serial # but that would mean it is one of the first 9 made if it is 0530000#. Definitely a nice find for sure.

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