335 still in the works


New User
One year down and one more to go....
That is AWESOME!!!

Care to share any specs? What size tires are those and did you build rim adapters for the hubs?


(quoted from post at 16:10:00 11/04/10) That is AWESOME!!!

Care to share any specs? What size tires are those and did you build rim adapters for the hubs?



The tire size in the pic are 18.4 x 38's but went down to 16.9 x 38's..the tractor is a universal 1 of 750 made.. it came with 9 bolt hubs. we removed them and made a set of weld on hubs..as it sits now it tips the scales at 2873lbs. Thanks Terry 2
(quoted from post at 22:53:51 11/05/10)
(quoted from post at 19:38:13 11/03/10) One year down and one more to go....

how come you pulling guys don't paint them yellow?

The tin will be painted Prairie Gold ,but the chassis of are tractors are all painted black for ez maintenance of the paint. thanks Terry

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