206K-4 Engine

Hi All,
Went down to Connecticut to look at a Big Mo 500 today. It's really a parts tractor and I was interested in it for the engine and other large parts. It had a 206K-4 in it instead of a 206L-4. A quick search revealed that the 206K-4 belongs in a 2 Star Crawler. I took down some of the casting/part numbers off the engine and they match up with 206L-4 part numbers. The only thing I could see that was different was the oil pump configuration. The oil filter did not screw to the oil pump but instead was mounted to the side of the engine with flexible hose connecting it to the pump. This sort of makes sense if the engine had been in a crawler.

Anyways, can anyone shed any light on this engine and whether it is different in any other ways from the 206L-4? Thanks in advance for any you info you can provide!

The 206K-4 engine is basically the same motor. The only differences would be the oil pump, the rear main seal and the original water pump would have been lowered to be in the same position as on power units.

If you are get the motor and would like to put an original style oil pump and filter on it, I'd be interested in getting the 206K oil filter set-up for my 2 Star. I really just need the filter and filter mounting bracket.

It would be interesting to know what happened to the 2 Star Crawler.
I wish I could tell you what happened to the crawler. I'm sure that would be an interesting story. Probably as interesting as how two Big Mo 500s found their way to New England!


It would not surprize me if they were nearly the same. Does the MT40 motor have a spin-on oil filter? That is what I am currently running on my 2 Star dozer and it should have the earlier cartridge filter. The set-up I am using came from a MM forklift.
Yes, It does have that very same set up. I just got this dude a few weeks back and plan on putting it back together. Missing a few parts so I will have to make them. The only thing it is a military tug and has the 220m in it.

We closed our deal earlier this evening for that Big Mo with the 206K-4 engine. I'd be happy to help you out with the cartridge filter. It will be at least another week before I get the tractor moved up here to New Hampshire. Contact me offline at [email protected] and we can set something up.


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