BF Identification- NEED HELP!

I just bought a BF, however I can't seem to figure out exactly what year/model of BF it is.

Serial number is 57800077, which doesn't seem to align with the BF, BFW, BFD, BFS, or BFH serial numbers. I see R, 576, 577, and 580 prefixes used, but no 578. Could there be some reason for this 578 prefix? Special order maybe? Imported to Canada? Serial number on engine is IXB3Sl then a line 2476453 then a line 008.

Here are some pictures, if they are of any help. Would really like to know what I have here!








IXB3SL is the model of the Hercules Engine. IXB is the basic model. It has a bore of 3.250. The number 3 indicates it is an IXB with 3 timing gears. There were also IXB engines with 5 timing gears. SL indicated the engine was built with replaceable cylinder sleeves. Most IXB engines used by other manufactures did not have sleeves. The 247 number is the serial number of the engine. The 008 is the valve clearance. That is a start.
Thanks for the info on the engines, I knew that the IXB3SL was the model of the engine, what I would really like to know is the year/model of the tractor. Thought that posting the tractor AND engine serial number might help narrow it down a little.
The 578 prefix was used on BFW tractors when they changed to the MM serial numbering in 1953. I believe it must have been late '53 when this change was made since there are only Avery serial numbers listed for the BFW that same year. I can't seem to find a serial number listing for the BFW other than the Avery "R" prefix numbers, but click the link below that shows the number prefixes for all models. You'll notice down at the bottom of the page it shows the 578 prefix for BFW tractors.

MM Serial Number Prefix Numbers
So by the serial number it has to be a later model, ie. 54, 55, or 56. Any way to narrow that down to a specific year?

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