Corn Picking Today (Pics)

I headed out to do some ear corn picking today, thought I'd share some pictures. The tractor is a 1969 G950 Diesel and the picker is a H320 2 row wide. The field I was in was actually 30" rows but I could sneak down it pretty well. The corn was very dry and and the tops were breaking off with the ear some. As the sun went down the going got alot better, by then I was about done! Thought you guys might appreciate the pics. There will be a youtube video coming also, it is uploading now. Search for "picking corn minneapolis moline style" on youtube. Give me a little bit though, I have never put anything on youtube before, up till today I didnt even know my camera took video! Sorry Alan K the Oliver G1355 didnt make it a round this morning! The PTO clutches were slipping some, I stopped while I was ahead and got 'ol faithful out of the shed.

really nice pictures. Ill make sure to check out the youtube video. Nice to see all the old stuff earning its keep. The odl stuff is what makes farming fun.
I first words were "Whoa..." AWESOME pictures, thanks for posting. No problem about the G1355...I like this color set up better. Have to check out the video...
Luke, I don't know how you ever pulled that great big picker with that tiny little tractor. You shouldn't work that poor thing so hard!
(quoted from post at 22:15:49 12/16/09) Luke, I don't know how you ever pulled that great big picker with that tiny little tractor. You shouldn't work that poor thing so hard!

You know Kevin, Moline made those huge tractors, but to tell a secret, they never had any power :)
Great pictures. The yellow goes together well.

Not that I'm complaining but do you have a reason to use such HP to run that picker?
(quoted from post at 07:30:42 12/17/09) Great pictures. The yellow goes together well.

Not that I'm complaining but do you have a reason to use such HP to run that picker?

Well the G1355 was the only tractor with a cab, it was about 14 degrees here when I started. When it went down, the next closest tractor was the G950. It has a slightly lower gear (1st low) than my 670 super does. It is more economical than the 670 is too. My U302 was about 10 miles away. Plus the "road king" seat on the 950 is alot more comfortable. By far it is my favorite tractor to run. It might not be the best looking one out there but I like it!
That must be a low acre picker,it still has a lot of paint on her.The 950 is a perfect match. Did it have a cab on it? Good luck with getting done, this weather won't hold for ever!
Yes David, the picker has very little use. There is yellow paint on a good majority of the chains and most every other wear item. I havent found any missing shields on it anywhere. The only thing I am missing is the flapper and the shelled corn spout on top of the elevator. I would love to find one somewhere. I have to climb up and "manipulate" the end of the elevator to keep the corn landing where I want it in the wagon.

Yes the 950 originally had a cab on it, the previous owner was about 5" tall and couldnt see out of it. He took it off and put fenders off a G1000 on it, also a platform made from plywood! I found the correct fenders and platform and installed the the firs year I had it. Found a Road King seat and bought new cushions for it. Made a nice tractor out of it. I know its not the best looking one, but I like it the way it is...for now.
Good looking pictures. Good looking old picker. I used to have a 73 picker and have a 83 wide with a 12 roll bed now. My M5 is a good match and is fun to pick with. Never seen too many 950s around here. Neighbor has 900, I always liked running it.
(quoted from post at 21:12:13 12/18/09) Good looking pictures. Good looking old picker. I used to have a 73 picker and have a 83 wide with a 12 roll bed now. My M5 is a good match and is fun to pick with. Never seen too many 950s around here. Neighbor has 900, I always liked running it.

I would really like to find a H350 (Oliver 83H) with a 12 roll bed, the H320 (73H) doesnt seem to clean very well in heavy corn. If anyone knows of a good one, let me know
How about this one, H350 2 row narrow 12 row husking bed and the paints not bad. Email me if intersted. Banditfarmer


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