G1000 Vista toys


Has anyone ever made a detailed, die cast version of the MM G1000 Vista? Are they still available? Where? I've never seen one.
I can get the castings and build one for you that
will be exactly like yours or very close. Shoot
me an email and we'll talk.
I don't have one. I just wondered if they were ever commercially available. I don't recall ever seeing one. It would be neat to have, though. Especially a precision version.
SpecCast was planning to build one a couple years back for the Toy Tractor Times magazine but the tooling was too much for their budget so it was dropped. The late 1960's Ertl version was the only commercially available version to date. Several custom builders have produced some nice ones over the years. I especially like the Berg Vista I have with all its detail.

Calvin Elder in Mount Auburn, IL builds a nice custom one, They run around 200 for a diesel and 250 for a LP. Shoot me an email and I can get more info.
Anyone have pics? It'd be neat to see one.

How do I contact you, by the way? There's no contact info by your name.

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