Jimmy Boone

New User
I am helping my neighbor with his 175. The drag link( from steering box to crank arm) ball ends need to be replaced. We were looking at it and wondering if they can be removed from the tube & replaced with threaded type ( automotive) joints instead of buying complete unit from dealer. Has anyone on here done this or tried it? Any help or suggestions will be appreciated. Also can anyone tell me what the valve lash specs are for the perkins in it? thanks Jimmy
Hi Jimmy,
IT is not beyond the realms of possibility to fit a screw-in replacement ball joint. The drag link is hollow. The problems can arise in cutting a thread into the tube. You will need to buy a suitable joint first then determine what thread and size it is. If it is a standard UNF thread, fine. You will then need a taper and second tap. You will then need to cut the old joint off square. Remember that you might still have part of the old joint in the tube. Lastly you need to ensure that the inside diameter of the tube is the correct tapping size.
While you are doing all this it would be cheaper to by a complete unit. Non-genuine ones are readily available.
As to the tappet clearance; adjust cold to 012"

DavidP, South Wales
For the steering link could you cut the ends off (or start out with a new piece of pipe) and weld on appropriately sized nuts so that you could screw new ball ends on?

Good Day,

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