Perkins AD4.248 vs 4.248

This message is a reply to an archived post by Paul Smitch on November 12, 2011 at 07:22:33.
The original subject was "Perkins AD4.248 vs 4.248".

Hi there buddy there is a little diffrence between the two the 4/248 came in the 285 MF european version whic was also a mexican version and the ad4/248 came on the 290MF and it was i think made in ingland and the ad4/248 was Bore/stroke 101/127 versus a a4/248 was Bore/stroke 100/127 wich the diffrence was like a 1 thousand over diffrence in cylinder deffrence, and so it would have alittle higher compression on the ad4/248. well sir i hope my little detail info help you in your serch. have a nice day and god bless.

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