135 lift. Ho hum.


STILL trying to sort the hydraulics (see earlier posts). Replaced the cylinder following DavidPs excellent advice, and o-ring (broken mounting lug) and the dashpot guide and standpipe o-rings and put it all back together nicely. Or not.

Before, I had a lift that would not stay up and a position control that didn't work, but the lift went up and down on the draft control. Now the quadrant controls don't work at all, though the lift seems strong and stays up when operated by hand directly on the control bar through the response control cover (so that part of things seems to have gone OK!). The vertical bar hardly moves at all using the quadrant controls, just twitches a bit.

So, I've probably mucked something up on reassembly (not for the first time ...). The dog/giraffe (they look the same to me) did come out of the roller bits, but I checked with the manual and thought I'd got it back right: can the linkage go back together and still not work? Any well known mistakes commonly made by idiots?

As ever, all contributions very gratefully received.
There was mention of your problem on the hydraulics DVD, I believe there are two rollers that have to be on the proper side of a lever behind right side cover. Make sure they are both on correct side of lever. I recommend buying the DVD sold here, it really helps.
Thanks for getting back to me. There seems a difficulty getting the supplier to ship to the UK, does anyone know of a download site for this DVD: it'll take a while, I know, but I'm obviously happy to pay for it ... also, DVD refers to a MF35, similar enough to a 135 to be useful?

Thanks again!
First of all do not buy the MF35 manual. They are totally different. Looking at the 'dog' and 'giraffe' you will see that they are very different. I suspect that you may not have the small tension spring installed in the position control linkage. This can be seen between pointers 17 and 18 on the Position Control image.
Ideally the operation of the quadrant levers and vertical lever should have been tested before the cover was refitted. In this case I think it may be better if you would like to email me directly and hopefully I can guide you through the problem.
DavidP, South Wales

The DVD covers several other models, including Massey-Ferguson 50, 202 and 204, Massey-Harris 50, Ferguson 40, and TO 35. Many models of Massey tractors have very similar hydraulic systems. Do a search for Massey hydraulic repair DVD, I've seen it on ebay and several other places. I think I have also seen a download version.
Fantastic, I'm getting quicker at taking the cover off, anyway! The spring is there but it's too dark to do more, and the last time I turned the lights on the whole shed went live ...
Hi, tried emailing directly but Firefox may have eaten my message and now the email link's gone.

Anyway, wanted to get a good look at the linkage and got my wife to help as she's so good with jigsaw puzzles. As she pointed out after a quick look, the drawings don't seem to match what's there: it looks like our dog has no ears! I presume this would affect its operation for the worse? Or perhaps I just have a different version.

Attached are pics, hope they're clear as it's difficult to photograph in place. I included the drawing turned upside down as I found this helpful making the comparison. (Incidentally, the crucial spring [i:646632c056]was[/i:646632c056] there but I removed it off before I took the photos.) I'm trying to get the dog out to have a proper look but it seems like I'll have to take the cylinder off again ... why doesn't that pin on the fulcrum face the other way then disassembly would be much easier ... perhaps I can refit it in reverse, can't see from the manual?

If the dog is faulty and I replace it, should I do all those adjustments in the manual that involve suspending weights, etc? I'm happy to give it a go if it's feasible without the special tools ...

OK so I've got the position control apart and it does indeed not look like the drawing, nor the replacement part listed for a 135! Pix attached (also one of the draft control link for completeness).

I'll be ordering the replacement part tomorrow unless someone tells me the right part was in there already and I've got to look elsewhere ...


Dropped in to my local MF dealer to order the part and he had it in stock. Yes, it can happen. So now to fit it ...
Hi DavidP (did try emailing you as suggested but guess it didn't get through) and all you other 135 gurus out there, I am about to try and fit the dog shown in my last post in place of the one with no ear that was in there (- hope this makes sense!)

What I want to know is were there different versions of the dog link for the 135, why is the one in there so different to my manual but similar to the dealer's. Is this a sensible thing to put in my tractor?

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