2705 TPH Arms Removal


The ball joint is shot on the lift arm of my 2705. I need to take the arm off and repair.

It looks like if I remove the 3/8" pin that holds the big pin that attaches the lift cylinder and the lift arm to the rear end casting then I should be able to use the drilled and tapped hole in the end of the big pin to pull the big pin out. Does that sound right?

Any hints?

Once it is off any ideas on how to repair?



Hi JP,
100 and 500 series tractors have a tapped hole in the axle lug with a hard pointed bolt engaging in a conical hole in the pin. It was necessary to remove both pins on my 165. The pin shown in your photo will undoubtedly be hard. If is not impossible to drill it out but even with cobalt drills they will need to be sharpened frequently....and I mean frequently. If you are able to drill a pilot hole first that will help using plenty of good quality cutting oil....NOT LUBRICATING OIL!
The threaded hole in the end of the pin will probably be 1/2"unc. You will need to make a suitable puller to fit over the pin and against the lug. My 165 did not have an assistor ram so I only had two potential areas where the pin was seized. Check if the bottom eye of the ram is free on the pin. If so you will have 3 potential areas for seizure. It will probably be necessary to resort to the appliance of heat on the two lugs and around the point where the pin enters the casing. It may be necessary to heat up several times. Don't risk breaking a stud in the end of the pin by overdoing it. You will need to be patient.
Let us know how you get on.
DavidP, South Wales
I got it, a few heat cycles, and maybe that curse that slipped, did the trick.

The threads on this were 5/8".



The damage and my puller whim wham.


Now what to do about this?


Clean up time, these tractors need to be out of here at 6:30 in the morning.



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