202 stuck in gear


Got my 202 stuck in reverse again today, I think it's from pulling up on the lever. Last time this happened I took the filler plug out and prodded with a screwdriver until it fixed itself. Not so lucky this time. Where am I supposed to push? I pushed on a gear below the shift fork, pushed it forward. Now it's in first but the lever still won't move.

Hi Christos,
You probably need to move across to the far shifter rail. Slip your screwdriver either behind or in front of that fork, and slip it into the central position. You will know when you have "neutralised" both forks, as the stick will move across the "gate". Helps to have "no load" on the transmission at the same time, or depress the clutch pedal, to release the inertia.
Let us know how you get on,
Shift hi-lo into neutral to release any driveline pressure as Masseynut mentioned, then move 1st-reverse shift rail to neutral. Then try to remember to slow down when shifting. I still forget sometimes, it's not a HURST.
Thanks guys. I wish I had taken a picture of the inside thru the hole. The first thing I see at the top is a big chunk of steel with a bolt head safety wired to it, is that the fist-reverse shift fork? Is that what I need to move?
Left rail is 2ND-3RD, right is 1ST-reverse, can see large sliding gear through filler hole, that is 1st- reverse gear. Move to neutral, when shift lever will cross left-right you have got it fixed.
Back on the road, err dirt! Easy when you know what to do. Pretty soon I'll be an expert, like Christos apparently.. :wink:

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