A big thanx

Oh I see. The trator talk cohort gets to see the IH 120whatever come appart... but the poor old MF guys are not worthy??? Come on. Post pictures. They will forgive you for working on something that isn't half grey...atleast it's half red! Tell everyone you were paid to drag it home, and you will be forgiven.... did you post pics of the finished 1105? Time flies, I forgot!
(quoted from post at 00:50:37 01/26/12) Oh I see. The trator talk cohort gets to see the IH 120whatever come appart... but the poor old MF guys are not worthy??? Come on. Post pictures. They will forgive you for working on something that isn't half grey...atleast it's half red! Tell everyone you were paid to drag it home, and you will be forgiven.... did you post pics of the finished 1105? Time flies, I forgot!
ts an IHC! wasnt sure if I was allowed to post on the massey site :oops:
If someone complains... I will post that video of my MF35 smoke screen device everyday until they change their mine... won't take long...
I bet David would have a good laugh at the competion having the same 'issues?'
That piston looks much too much like the inside of that Perkins gas I did.

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