AD4.203 fuel pressure at lift pump?


Hey all, in rebuilding our Massey 165, I'm thinking about making the switch to an electric fuel pump. Does anyone know what kind of fuel pressure these need? I'm looking at the Mr. Gasket diesel pump at our local O'Reilly Auto Parts stores and it says it makes 7psi and 35gph. While the engine only uses 4gph at full tilt, I guess the rest of the flow can just keep the injectors and pump cool (I assume, at least excess fuel flow is what keeps the VP44's cool on the Cummins).

Any idea's guys and gals?

Thanks in advance!
The injection pump doesn't need any preesure at all, but you don't won't to exceed 6 PSI.

Technically, doesn't even need a fuel pump at all - but having one makes bleeding filters much easier.

A high GPH pump doesn't create any extra flow in system. That GPH rating is the max it can do when something demands it.

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