65 Dieselmatic


Well-known Member
Local dealer has had a 65 Dieselmatic sitting on his lot for probably 2 years now. Price is just under $4000. Supposedly runs well, has power steering, live PTO and 3pt. Not sure which engine it has.
I will try to get some more info on it. Not sure if it's what I want or not. It's a bit bigger than my 202. What I want is one for brush hogging, rear blade/rake etc. My 202 has a backhoe attached and I'm considering repairing the 3pt and hydraulics and just using it. Another tractor would certainly be simpler. Being as how it's larger it might not fit in places where the 202 would go.
So what's the good and bad on this tractor?
Just looked at the Tractor Data site, seems fuel consumption is quite high on these compared to say a 35.
Dieselmatic means it is a diesel with Multi-Power. Check the M-P to see if it works. The tractor will NOT engine brake if the M-P doesn't work. I am quite sure that all Dieselmatics had the AD4-203 direct injection engine (angled injectors). The indirect engine (verticle injectors) had been discontinued by the time M-P came on the scene.
Thanks Bob, I'll get a serial number to try and figure out some more about it.
How would I check the multi-power?
I've owned three MF 65's and my current one doesn't have
multipower. My first one, a Dieselmatic, was nothing but trouble
with the multipower. I had more in repair bills in it than I paid for
the tractor. The MF 65 engine is a good engine and the tractor
performs well, but I will never get another one, or any MF tractor,
with multipower.
It's a bigger tractor than a 35 so of course it will use more fuel but the Perkins diesel in it is the most fuel efficient tractor in it's size range. If the multi-power works properly, it is a great feature to have. You want to make sure the hyd. screen is clean and the oil is too. The MP in my 1965 135 has never given one bit of trouble. The sealing rings were replaced in it when a new clutch was installed but that's only because the tractor was already split.
Drive it on level ground in low M-P, then shift it to high. You should feel it shift and pick up speed. Next put it in high M-P and drive it down a slope. The engine will hold the tractor back in high if the M-P is working. The tractor will free wheel in low. It will also free wheel in high if the M-P is not working.

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