300 MF crawler loader

(quoted from post at 16:43:55 04/07/11) what you looking for ????
I need a exhaust elbow, chains, rollers. How much do you have, I might be interested. Thanks forgetting back with me.
you should have post this 3 weeks ago and you would have got the elbow had one in the shed in the way for like 10 years but i sent it to the scraper i am so sorry. the other parts i do not have but did have the elbow that bolts to the side then goes up. sorry
(quoted from post at 23:55:41 04/07/11) you should have post this 3 weeks ago and you would have got the elbow had one in the shed in the way for like 10 years but i sent it to the scraper i am so sorry. the other parts i do not have but did have the elbow that bolts to the side then goes up. sorry
Some times you win, some times not. Thanks contacting me. Have a great day.

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