AD3.152 Idle Question


I've heard before that it is not good to let these engines idle for too long. I was wondering if someone knew why and could provide an explanation of what happens or could happen when they do...thanks.
Basically, the engine runs too cool, causes glazing of the bores and build up of other undesireables.

Regards .... chas
It causes slobbering and loss of power and over time will cause engine damage. Diesels are made to work. If you want to putz around and leave it idling, get a gas engine. Dave
set your idle speed on these tractors at around 750 rpm. saves a lot
of vibration and less risk of breaking cranks!
Unlike a spark ignition engine where the peak temperature in the cylinders is almost constant regardless of the power, the diesel has a variable peak cylinder temperature and therefore, the lower the load the lower the temperature. It"s hard to warm a diesel up at idle for this reason. If you idle tehm for long periods of time, they get the "slobbers" from the residue of the partially burned fuel charge.
Thanks...good to know.

I don't idle mine for long, mostly put the thing to work...I was just wondering for education sake.

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