205 Wheel bearing seal...which way?


Got an a & i wheel bearing kit for the front wheel, but the rear seal is a bit different than OEM and I'm not sure which way it goes on. There is the seal part that extends to the hub holding the grease in, but on the inside hole of the seal there is a portion that extends upward...does this extension go against the spindle or go against the inside bearing. Anyone know?
Hello JF,
If you ae referring to the type of seal I think you are than it has what might be escribed as a 'hat brim' on the top side. The main thing is that the side of the seal with the garter spring goes to the hub or grease side. The additional flange provides an extra seal against dust and water. The only thing to check is that when the seal is fitted that there is sufficient room for the extra seal to compress lightly.
DavidP, South Wales
Hi David,
I just revisited this post again and wanted to double check myself...the new seal I have doesn't have a spring, but yes it looks like a hat with a brim...and the brim has 3 waves to it...so does the brim go against the hub or spindle...thanks.

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