165 over 290?


Man guys yesterday while talking about our tractors another mechanic told me that he would take a 165 any day over a 290 in terms of both working with and working on. If I am recalling correctly this has to be the third mechanic who's told me the 165 is a better tractor. What's the deal? Is their any validity behind this? Or is it merely a few guys who personally like the 165 due to familiarity or some other practical reason?
This is a 100% true fact. Even a 65 is a better tractor. The newer tractor will never run 10,000 hours. The older tractors are made out of virgin steel and iron. The newer junk has been melted down atleast twice. Plus the 290 design has cheapened qualities to save money. Take the steering for example. Plowing a mile long run on a 165 is easy to keep it straight. That 290 with the charlyn style steering is impossible, because you will make about 3 full turns with the steering wheel by the time you get to the end!

Well I'm not sure about three full turns but after my latest repair bill on my 290 I'm ready to throw it away.

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