2805 odd multi-power problem

My 2805 seems to have a problem with the 3spd unit which I don't quite understand. In low, high, and reverse it works perfect. Engages good and firm. The problem is that when shifted into intermediate it's like putting it in neutral. In the lower gears it almost grabs, but in the higher gears there is nothing.

As I understand it intermediate is direct drive and is engaged by belville springs when pressure is relieved.

Here is what I've done:
I looked over the shift control valve like the I&T manual suggested. Found that the pilot spool was out of adjustment. It was applying pressure to intermediate all the time. I took the valve apart, cleaned everything up, readjusted the pilot spool and tried again. No difference.

I put some gauges on it at the 3 test ports and here is what they say: when shifted to low the low gauge presurises first as the manual says it should, the intermediate gauge then starts to move. The low side has around 300psi, the intermediate only has 50psi. When shifted to intermediate both gauges drop to 0psi. Move it into high and high presureises to between 280-325psi and fluctuates between the two pressures, intermediate only makes 50psi again.

I assume that since the pilot spool was out of adjustment for who knows how long I need to dig into the multipower and at least change some clutches and o-rings. I'd hate to split it and not need to if there is something else simple to look at.

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.

BTW, it's SN#9R 003329 which according to my literature makes it a late '79 model. I don't know if it's been updated or not at some point
I don't know if the I&T manual shows a picture of the special tool used to remove the unit from the transmission. I think I still have the MF manual for these units that shows the tool. If I remember right, it allows you to lift and balance the unit while you are pulling it out, and align it when reinstalling it. It is something you should be able to fabricate. My email is open if you want me to send you a picture of it.
Thanks for the confirmation guys. The I&T manual does have a picture of the tool used to pull the input assembly out. It looks like it just bolts onto the front cover and has a handle?

I'm waiting to hear from the local tractor shop to see if they want to work on it. I don't really want to split this big sucker if I don't have to. It's a little out of my size range, I usually only split little tractors. (40hp or less)
Well, got the big sucker split and the multi-power out. Not only were the o-rings blown on the apply pistons the drum on the input shaft is broken. Now we've got to find a core unit to rebuild since there isn't much left of mine.
Hey Massey Problem:

Any chance that you could get a few pics of the apply pistons, o rings, input shaft, etc. I have a couple of 2705's and imagine that sooner or later I'll be into a tranny.

(quoted from post at 12:24:37 08/23/09) Hey Massey Problem:

Any chance that you could get a few pics of the apply pistons, o rings, input shaft, etc. I have a couple of 2705's and imagine that sooner or later I'll be into a tranny.


Next time I'm at the shop I'll try and get some.

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