Wico C Magneto Bushing Replacement


This message is a reply to an archived post by Kent Petersen on September 19, 2015 at 08:11:06.
The original subject was "Re: Wico C Magneto Bushing Replacement".

Put this question a few places .. on here so here goes ..
I am putting a coil in my Wico C magneto - the "coil" ... has two wires coming out of it ..

I KNOW where one goes - the one to the points, same screw place as the condenser wire ..

But I forgot to note/take a pic of where other wire goes .. is it a ground wire or what - where does it go?

Feel silly .. because I am an absent "minded professor" but totally can't find online a pick of where the second wire goes ..
If you can help me I would appreciate it ..
Thanks Gary
You should be referring to the short wire that has an eyelet on it. It is grounded to one of the screws that go through the coil hold down clamp.

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