Lanz Bulldog Muffler


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by centash on December 07, 2015 at 04:30:13.
The original subject was "Re: Lanz Bulldog Muffler".

How about keeping the oil out of your face. these two cycle engines use oil as there is an oil supply line that goes top of the piston. Some of this oil is not returned to the oil tank but comes out of the muffler. It depends on how the oil pump is set up. The mufflers have drain pipes for the oil to go to the...... oops not good for the environment. Also the mufflers are heavy duty as they can catch fire. Carbon builds up in them, mix that with a bit of oil and heat... The mufflers should have screens in them to keep the oil from flying out in your face, but without maintenance they plugged and affected the performance. Export Lanz have different mufflers than the European

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