Plow Share Question


Today I broke the tip off of a share on my JD 4-16 F620 plow. I happened to have a good spare, but after replacing it, I noticed it was a JD A51501 "narrow cut". I had always used JD A51500 "full cut" shares.

My question is: when would you use "narrow cut" shares and when would you use "full cut" shares. Must be some reason JD sells both kinds. I didn't notice any difference in plowing with the one narrow cut share on my plow. Thanks. Al
The narrow cut are to help turn over the soil with deep heavy roots like alfalfa in conditions the slab does not want to flip over. They also pull a bit easier. That same alfalfa root that will help turn over the slab will still be growing to come back with full vigor. Now the full cut will cut that root of so it does not keep on growing.
The uncut strip of ground acts as a hinge for the furrow slice to roll over instead of slide over.
We used to live in an area that had lots of limestone rock ledges and we preferred the narrow cut shears as we had less breakage when catching rock ledges. Tom
I think that's why I had an almost new set of narrow cut shares. The previous owner I bought the plow from about 15 years ago indicated he had lots of stones and put on a spring hitch from a 66 plow. I remember now that I took those shares off and put on a new set of full cut shares as that was what we always used on our 555 3-bottom 16 inch plow. Thanks everyone for all your replies. Al

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