JD 24 T Knotter advice

yes, as you will need to pull the drive chain off. Basically, if you adjust anything on the plunger head or knotters, re-check the timing. It is simple if the bale case is empty. Also, do you have an owner"s manual? If not, try to get one. Very good at step by step procedures.
YES, but what"s the issue? If you are smart/and/or methodical enough to rebuild the knotters, timing the baler after their repair will be EASY!
Just swapping out a whole knotter assembly for another one that does not have a broken intermittent gear. Its really a simple swap except that the former owner had taken the broken knotters off awhile back. The 24 T is a lot easier than a 14 t to work on the knotters.
What ever you do run it by hand before you hook up the pto .amish had new holland fired up the motor and took out the feeder sweep

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