Case 220 square baler-knotter?

Mike cathey

New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by Keith Molden on October 04, 2012 at 09:32:30.
The original subject was "Re: Case 220 square balerknotter?".

I have some questions about a case baler. Could you send that link?
Would you have a solution for square bales that come out banana shaped. When you look at the back of the on the left side extremely full of hay and the right side does not have much hay. We have adjusted the feeder head n it.
You stated that standing behind the baler and looking forward, that the left side of the bale (uncut)was denser than the right (cut side). Is that correct?
If so the feeder head needs to be adjusted back further on the sweep arm, so it doesn't go into the chamber as far.
I would also look to see if the chamber wedges are missing on the cut side, and not holding the hay in the chamber correctly.
There were also optional feeder teeth for fine hay that helped feed light crops into the chamber. Perhaps you have those fingers, and you are baleing a course heavy crop like timothy or bromegrass.
Usually we had the opposit problen with not enough hay in the left side.
Loren, the Acg.

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