Claas Dominator 96


This message is a reply to an archived post by masseypride on May 07, 2015 at 23:41:04.
The original subject was "Re: Claas Dominator 96".

I just got a blue claas 96 number 36 but I can't get it
to move is there a hydro release somewhere on it
If there is no movement, then I'd guess at either no oil in the hydro tank, it's the bigger one of the two under the left side engine cover, or the machine is not in gear property.. shifter is on the console to the right of the driver's seat should be a h pattern, may have to wiggle the hydro lever to get it into gear properly.
It is possible to have an air lock into the hydro pump, in which case crack the in line at the pump.
If you still have no movement then might need to check there is drive from the gearbox.

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