Gravely walk-behind

Hi all, just got time to get back on this pc. You will have to over look my spelling as i'm not much of a pc operator LOL. I will check with Steve Haley in Tenn. about the side and also the top air coolers, as it doesn't have one of those either. It does have a gov. on it as I checked the oil in it. I'm still working on getting the low and high lever (short one ) to work , will have to pull both wheels off to get room to work on it. As for as going to the mow-in it's a long way from Okeechobee, Fl. to any place north, there is not a lot of Gravely (one "R") lol around here, but I'm having fun messing with this one. Thanks for all the info. Have A GOOD DAY.

Ebay is your friend for all things Gravely. $20.00, free shipping, complete set of deflectors.
The mow-in would be a comfortable two day run. They really are fun and
all things Gravely. Well worth it. Think about it, you will not be
disappointed. You will be super inspired with in about a minute and a
half after you get there. These are a couple of photos. Lots and lots
of stuff.



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