snapper Z rider turf cruiser ZF2200k


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by stahlhouse2 on January 29, 2015 at 16:13:19.
The original subject was "snapper Z rider turf cruiser ZF2200k".

I have this snapper mower you're having problems with. It's a really good mower but it has a nnalert poor hydraulic reservoir system. The tanks, there are two one on each side to feed each pump the tanks are way too small and there are lower than the top of the pump the tank should be higher than the pump itself. I installed two large hydraulic reservoirs one on each side on the back panel these tanks are approximately 2 gallons each The tops of each tank is higher than the top of the pumps with these reservoirs Full of fluid the system works perfectly I have a photo if you would care to look at it if you have anymore questions let me know.

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