Ford 555 backhoe fuel filter bleed problems


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by JoeMGA on September 27, 2016 at 15:50:02.
The original subject was "Re: Ford 555 backhoe fuel filter bleed problems".

Thank you for sharing your knowledge on this forum. You, and people like you make the internet the ULTIMATE problem-solver.

I had my helper change the fuel filters on my 555B several months ago. Could not bleed the pump and make it crank. After several hours, we abandoned it.

Now that the weather had gotten warmer, I decided to give it a try again. Although I have bled many a tractor, I decided to look on the internet to find out the "proper" way to bleed the fuel system.

I clicked on this thread, read it, then followed your link to the filter problem. I thought I remembered buying the filters from NAPA, and when I looked, sure enough that's where they came from.

Removing the filters revealed the rubber gaskets completely blocking fuel flow. After removing the gaskets, and re-installing the filters, I had my baby bled and running again in no time.

If not for this forum, and your expertise, I would still be charging the battery, burning up the starter, inventing all new cuss words, and stressing myself toward a stroke.


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