3000 Diesel

B822751 is a serial number from the Basildon, UK assembly plant. Unfortunately the European serial numbers (A & B) were not as well documented as the US serial numbers (C).

I have recently come across some reference material that indicates that the Basildon serial numbers were split ranges, and those starting with B8 and higher were for export, while those starting with B0 through B7 were for domestic sale within the UK. The reference that I refer to is from the European version of the Service Manual "New Model" supplement, which refers to the "New" models as the ones with the new style tin and other slight changes that started in April of 1968, and that document claims that the "New" model thousand series export model serial numbers started at around B851xxx, so from an educated guess I would say that your B822751 serial number 3000 is probably a mid to late 1967 tractor.

C226 is not a valid production code though. The first character should be a numeral, not a letter, and the last character should be a letter, not a numeral.

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