An A and a plow


Well-known Member
I got a plow with my A but have no idea if I have all of the necessary brackets. It probably has common brackets with the cultivators or front blade? I need to enlarge the garden and I am NOT going to try to get a field tractor with the big plow on it over there. I'll probably get in trouble because it would rut up the grass or something.

Anyone had any good pics of an A with a one bottom plow mounted?
I bought this Farmall A 1975 and it was in sad shape. The engine was stuck and just about everything had to be replaced like the rims, tires, fenders, wiring, steering wheel, and seat.

It came with the 16-inch moldboard plow. The brackets were installed on the plow. I had it sand blasted and it made the plow mounting easier
having the brackets installed on the plow. I paid $100.00 for the tractor and plow. It did a fine job plowing. Here's a picture with the plow installed. I had just finished plowing the garden and we only had a Polaroid camera back then. Hal
PS: The lifting lever and the tilting lever were installed on the tractor for raising and tilting the plow point.
No brackets from the cult are used. Your best bet would get an owners manual for the plow so then only will you know if and what brackets you need as there are a bunch. Rockshaft,front wishbone assy. Lift lever and spring, depth lever. Drawbar is removed as its not needed. I can furnish the parts info if you want that will show all thats needed.

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