6 volt system, trouble starting, Ammeter registers in neg.

dusty grass

New User
I just bought a 6V batter to replace an 8 volt that came with my H. I was able to use the 8V; I started it using a jump from my truck. It ran well enough. But it stalled; I bought the 6V; it turns over but won't start. I thought/think that it's curious that I get spark and sizzle when I connect the 2nd cable to the battery post; it doesn't matter if I connect the positive or the negative. It is a positive ground system. Any thoughts?

If nothing is turned on (lights or ignition) there should be absoutely no sparking. Something is draining the battery. Remove the Bat wire from the regulator (tape it up), then check the spark at the terminal again. The guide below will help. Jim
John T trouble Shooting Guide.
Dusty also important with 6 volt systems is the size of the battery cables. Turning a 6 volt starter requires more AMPs. That requires heavier cables. The smaller cables common on modern 12 volt systems just are not big enough to work correctly. They will get hot and start to break down. If you are not getting enough AMPs/voltage the starter will not spin fast enough to start the engine. Most often an 8 volt battery was used as a band aid to "fix" another problem. Now if you have problems like low compression you may have to go to a bigger batt like an 8 volt to start or may have to rebuild. If you follow the trouble shooting guide you got and it still fails to start do a compression test and see where it's at.

AS is usual, I agree with Jim, with nothing on there shouldnt be any sparkies or sizzle or current draw when you connect the battery.

If it had an 8 volt battery I wonder if Billy Bob at one time messed with the Voltage Regulator (if it had one) and it could be bad.

I would remove or loosen the genny belt and see if the genny spins when you conenct the battery?? If so maybe the cutout relay is stuck closed which causes a huge curent draw discharging the battery quickly. If it spins but stops if you remove either the wire to BAT or GEN/ARM on the VR or Cutout Relay, the relay is stuck closed and bad.

Or perhaps if the current draw is not as heavy, say only a few amps versus 20 or more if the relay is stuck, theres some other minor higher resistance short in the wiring.

For a 6 volt system Id use 0 or even 00 Gauge battery n starter n ground cables.......If it has a VR (versus only a cutout relay) it may have a problem........You gotta find the cause of the current draw first

Jim posted my troubleshooting procedure but you gotta do some investigation before you worry about the charging system.......

John T
Dusty, no. It varies that amount of charge based on what the battery/running tractor needs. If unregulated it will overcharge the battery which can destroy it or cause it to explode. Only exception would be if you mounted a battery gauge and switch. You would have to really watch the gauge and turn the switch on and off as needed. To easy to forget when using the tractor with implements that require a lot of attention like when cultivating or bush hogging in ruff ground.

Before I replace the battery, I jumped the 8V to get the tractor started. It worked a number of times. But I decided to (finally) get the new 6V because the tractor started to die the second I pulled the jumper cable off the 8V. Is that significant?

Yep the VR "could be" by passed (as far as charge rate) such as dead grounding the gennys FLD post forcing a constant high amp charge, but that may overcharge and outgas n cook the battery.

HOWEVER if the Cutout relay portion of the VR were by passed (like ammeter wired direct to gennys ARM post) when the tractor is shut off the battery will quickly discharge and the genny get hot THATS A BAD THING

SOOOOOOOO you cant really just by pass the VR ya see

John T
YES thats significant, it tells me theres no battery storage capacity and/or no charging going on....

John T
Reverse polarity can mess up the VR and make her fail to charge properly, but that has nuttin to do with if a cutout relay is stuck closed causing a heavy discharge when shes not running

John T

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