656 hydro rear battery box, why?


New User
This message is a reply to an archived post by jim fowler on March 04, 2012 at 08:22:19.
The original subject was "656 hydro rear battery box".

these IH engines are a high compression thin wall dry sleeve design, & were designed to use glow plugs all seasons;

if your glow plug meter is stuck to the right, the engine will crank until the battery is boned, white smoke, etc;

one good battery is all that is needed; summer glow plug on time is about one minute, winter on time is three to four minutes;

the thin wall dry sleeve design cannot take the combustion pressure of ether, should you use ether you may well bone your engine;

new battery cable are also preferred;

my 656D starts & runs fine all winter, Minnesota, uSA
Upgrade your glow plugs to 7.3L powerstroke glow plugs. My 656 hydro only needs 10-15 seconds in the summer and 60 seconds max in the winter here in SD.

Casey in SD

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