RPRU tractor ride invitation


Well-known Member
Hello friends, my name is DeWayne Utrup and I live near Columbus Grove Ohio which is about 25 miles from the 2013 RPRU event site at the Allen County Fairgrounds. Considering we live this close some of us locals are planning to conduct a tractor ride to the event. We would like to extend an invitation to others to join us and make this a larger and fun filled evening. We have probably about 30 local tractors so far. This ride will take place on Tuesday evening with the first tractor leaving my place about 5:30 pm. We will make arrangements for a place to park your hauling rig and, should you need, a car pool back to your vehicle after you have driven your tractor to the fair grounds. We have spoken with the event directors and they are excited about the idea as well. My email is open and I will share my address and phone number to anyone with interest. The more the merrier. Thanks and hope to see you at RPRU.
Is this the group that Ed Hermiller from the Kalida area was getting together? I talked with Ed at the Defiance Mall show last winter and he told me about a group that was organizing a tractor ride to the Roundup. I have a 3788 that I was planning on driving from Ayersville. My cell phone is 419-769-0672.

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