Farmall Super H 1953.

This was my Dads tractor bought new in 53, Moms now and I would like to buy it before something happens there and I would have to deal with 3 siblings. Don't know what to offer would need overhall, has a lot of oil leaks, bad paint been painted before, Ma and I paid for 2 new rear tires on this past summer, the only thing missing is the serial # tag when I was a kid I remember taking it off and its gone dumb kid, Whats it worth to be fair.
If Stage II $2500. Stage I $2000 You're buying your new tire back too.
You should get the 10% "employee discount:. LOL
You are doing the smart and honest thing. Write up a simple bill of sale with the date and amount and 2 signatures on it. Don't lose it. Don't ask why. I almost lost my Grandfathers Super MTA for this reason. His renter ended up with it. But shortly. He died about 2 years after and his widow gave it to me because SHE knew what Grandpa wanted.
If the serial number plate was mounted with the long side up and down. $1500 would probably be tops in that condition unless paying for the tires a second time. If the serial plate was mounted longer front to rear it would be worth more.
On the open market, $1500-$1800 for a Stage I like that is about right...

But, this is MOM we're talking about here. Mom, probably on a fixed income. Mom, the one that changed your diapers.

Overpay a little for the d*mn thing. She deserves it.

Of course I've also come across families where Mom is pretty well off, and writes her grandchildren blank checks to buy antique tractors at auctions.
Dave, looking for my daily learning on this one. What is the difference in the way the s/n plate is located - what does that signify as I've seen them both ways as I recall. Just wondering what else is different as well. Thanks for the clarification, Hal.
I agree on overpaying a bit on it, because when things hit the fan (and I hope that they never do for you) when you are settling the estate, you dont want to be accused of getting it cheap and unfairly. I'd write in the tire replacement info in the bill of sale, and also include some comparative prices from other SH's in similar condition (print off the listings and type in the info into the bill of sale before the signature line). I dont think you'll ever regret purchasing the tractor or buying it "right".

Good luck.
Stage one serial plate was up and down and stage 2 front to rear. Failed to notice both he and mom paid for tires. So maybe worth more depending on the percent of tires he already paided. Stage one needing a overhaul kills the price unless paying full price for new rubber. Look how much trouble the fellow from Arkansas was having a short time back selling his SH that smoked, and it was a nice looking tractor. If I remember correct he was down around $1300.
Thanks Dave for the clarification and the reason I missed it as there are so many differences between a stage 1 and 2 never considered the way the id plate was one of them. Thanks much for the info, Hal.
Wasn't trying to confuse you. Since live hydraulics and a battery box under the seat can be added to a stage one SH. I thought it simpler to say how the serial plates were mounted. Even if gone the rivet holes would indicate the way mounted.

You guys have better sellers market out west I guess. Around western pa $1500 and a$1000 would eb teh going rate for them running.
Thanks Dave and I certainly appreciate your knowledge of these old tractors and what makes certain ones very unique, Hal.
Does it have battery under the seat and a 3 bolt starter? If it has those it is Stage II which really was the lowest production of any letter Farmall. Like Hens teeth

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