Free gas cap?

Zachary Hoyt

Well-known Member
I filled out an online form to get a free gas cap for my H at the end of April and still have not gotten one yet. I submitted the serial number on the form, so I don't know if I should ask again or just wait. My cap lets gas out when it splashes on bumpy ground. I try to keep the tank about 1/4 full to minimize the problem but it would be nice to have one that didn't leak since this is a work tractor and spends a lot of time in the woods on the bumpy ground. Thank you in advance for any advice.

I'm not sure what is taking so long. I just filled out the online form a couple weeks ago for my 52 H and got the cap today.
I ordered one and didn't get it. I followed up and was told it probably had been ordered by someone previously. I ordered again on a different tractor and got the new cap within a couple weeks.
I sent in the #'s from 6 tractors and got 4 caps back- the guy I got the regular M and the SM from wasn't sure if he'd used those numbers, so that's probably why I was short 2
When its free all the fools jump in how many of them show up on E-BAY people will make up serial#s to get free caps then sell them then when a legit guy applies they say that serial# has been used. I got all nine for mine real quick and since have bought more so i should apply for caps for them. Putting a new cork gasket in the old cap also works fine we got by for many yrs with the old caps.Then a lawsuit now everyone wants a new one. No wonder they went broke.
I never got one as it did not seem ethical to me. But I did buy all the gaskets my dealer had in stock. The price of those has gone up to over $8 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He gave me a break because he knew they would never sell and you can bet he did not order any more in.
It does indeed seem a little bit unethical, but I can't find anywhere to buy a gas cap, so I figured I'd order one. I'll try again without submitting a serial and see if they'll send me one, or if there is a source to buy one I'd do that. I've never used Ebay but maybe I should start.
What the heck is unethical about it.
The industry thought there was a safety issue and to save themselves some lawsuits they offered free cap replacements. Big deal. The new caps work good and fit tight. There isn"t anything unethical about geting one of the new caps at all.
I don"t know what the guys on ebay are getting for them but if it"s in line with other venders what"s the difference.
I think the ethical police are a little off base on this one.
i'm not going to fight with you about it Dellbert. i did not feel right about asking for one (or multiples) for MYSELF. You do what is right in your own heart.
does this apply to the Cub also? if so could some one give me the nessacary info to apply for one. the one on my 53 cub just sits there and rattles. thanks, d.coleman
Below is a link to the site.

Note the statements... "Note:
Due to low volume of cap requests, and high inventory, the FREE GAS CAP offer will be extended indefinitely." "Please phone (260) 461-1917 with any questions or comments.".
Cubs, too
I see this as a recall-type situation. I don't think ethics are involved unless people are sending in fictitious serial numbers.

I ordered a new-style cap five or six years ago for my 300 Utility. Never got it. I reordered, never got it. I figured the serial number had probably been used, but it would have been nice if the company had at least been courteous enough to tell me. I kept copies of my requests in case there's a fire someday.

My 350 Utility came with a newer-style cap. It's nowhere near new, but it works.

I suppose I could see if they'll send me one based on the 350's serial number, then put the new one on the 350 and the old one on the 300, but both caps seem to work so I'll probably leave well enough alone.

Mark W. in MI
Two years ago, I bought one in at the Car Qwest store. $5.85

It isn't tall and pretty; just a fuel cap and it works.

I requested one a few years ago and got 3. Don't know why. I'm only 75% sure mine is a 2606 and I didn't put down a serial # cause the name plate is gone. They did ship fast as I recall. I can't screw it on tight or it sticks and then I have to get out the channellocks.
Never have had any problems getting them.Over the years it was probably around 5 different ones.

I think they will be glad when they are all gone. The offer originaly was supposed to expire 2 or 3 years ago but they kept it open and posted the bit about large supply and low demand.
Shoot when I was growing up using these tractors every day I thought they were SUPPOSED to leak around the cap a bit under bumpy/too full conditions.....never ran one that didn't. As long as there was a fresh gas stain around the cap, I knew it had enough in it to go the rest of the afternoon....when that dried up, it was time to dump another 5 gallons in.
I filled out one for my H, and it took about 4 months for it to come, I had actually forgot about it until it showed up. Then when I got my C, I ordered one for it, and it came within like a week. :?:
I have heard that they wait until they have fairly large number of orders and send them out all at same time. True or false?? Makes sense to have someone take day or two every few months on them and not have to worry with them often.
I filled the form out on 11/16/10 for the gas caps for my a and bn.they just arrived today. Guess ih is not to busy this time of

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