Farmall H roll over while cutting hay


I know I dont get on here much but I thought you guys would like this one. I was cutting hay in a ditch when it got alittle to steep. I am running a Kosch belly mount mower and it rolled right over and wraped it around the tractor. This picture is when it was being rolled back over with a tow truck. The good news is the tractor is up and running again and the mower straightened right out.[/IMG]]Untitled URL Link
That ditch sure looks steep. Glad no one was hurt. I had a man to mow a lot behind me with his JD tractor and a 9-foot sickle bar. He later on was mowing a pasture and the tractor rolled over him. When he didn't show up for supper his family found him pinned under the tractor. He didn't survive. Hal
The good news is you didn't get seriously hurt.

I notice the flat spot on the steering wheel. How far over did it roll?
Oh...... it went all the way over on the hood. The tractor is being rolled over int hat picture. You cant see them but cables froma tow truck are pulling it back over. Soon as we got it fliped right side up I jumped on and started it up and drove it out of the ditch. I am a very lucky man and am thank full I didnt get hurt. I didnt know I could jump that far. I even jumped to the wrong side towards the mower but landed on the far side of it. I think the tractor rolling kinda kicked me while I jumped. I went a ways. I landed like a cat running.
The moral to this storey is; If you are bracing yourself by putting one foot one a fender, you are at too much of an angle. And its always when you are mowing. My great Uncle was moving across the side of a hill on a 450 with a loader when he ran over a rock with the high side wheel. She rolled over like she was in slow motion. He just stepped off like he did it every day. And he was over 80 at the time! My cousin used to roll an H with a loader at least once a year and always the same way. Get a big load in the loader, raise it as high as he could, then back up fast and turn sharp. Amazing that no one in the family was killed! Be careful!
I got lucky about the same way once. Mowing tall grass in a lane between two rows of maples with a riding mower. Rt ft wheel caught a root on one of the trees and started right up the side of the tree. I had just enough time (Ain't it amazin' how time seems to slow) down when stuff like that start's happpenin'?) to get a feel for which way it was gonna tip and jumped away. My getaway was about like yours and like Wiley Coyote, flyin' through the air with my feet jest a pedalin', so as to be skedaddlin' when they hit the ground.

NASTY experience. Glad you're okay.
This is another interesting H story. Dad had a nice H Overdrive and the works when i was younger, tipped over on my brother (not jacking around, just an accident) and busted a leg pretty bad, but he recovered fine. A few years later dad got run over by one of the rear wheels across his chest, a few broken ribs and a few months to heal and he was fine. Then several years later it caught on fire. A fellow bought it and fixed it up and used it. I had several chances to buy it back, but even though I would love to have that tractor I though it best I never see it again.
Yeah thats a radio. The mount broke but I think the radio is still good. Like having the old AM radio while cutting grass. I have one on my M to for baling.
The moral to this storey is; If you are bracing yourself by putting one foot one a fender, you are at too much of an angle. And its always when you are mowing. My great Uncle was moving across the side of a hill on a 450 with a loader when he ran over a rock with the high side wheel. She rolled over like she was in slow motion. He just stepped off like he did it every day. And he was over 80 at the time! My cousin used to roll an H with a loader at least once a year and always the same way. Get a big load in the loader, raise it as high as he could, then back up fast and turn sharp. Amazing that no one in the family was killed! Be careful!
Glad you are ok.

My second cousin had a mowing contract for the steep slopes above the spillway outlet of a federal resevoir. He was mowing one morning and they found him in the spillway outlet in the water with the mower upside down on top of him. All they would figure is that there was a lot of dew that morning and the mower slipped all the way down the hill, through the fence around the outlet, and then flipped over and dropped into the outlet about 50 feet below.

I was operating a roller on asphalt for a road construction company. Got in a hurry about quitting time and got to close to the edge. It rolled and I jumped towards the field. The ditch was steep and deep and narrow enough that it just rolled upside down and the depth of the ditch below field level kept it from rolling into the field and onto me. I landed just on the field. Another one of life's happenings where luck was with me. Any other type of ditch and I'd have been a pancake. The next day the veteran operators said I was supposed to jump off on the road side of the roller and not the ditch side. I was ok and we pulled the roller up right and all it needed was the steering stick straightened.

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