I feel like a kid on Christmas afternoon


Well-known Member
Yep that's right. On Christmas afternoon. I finally get my tractor it's a 1939 F20. 4 years of hunting for just the right one. I found it 5 miles from home. My husband checked the oil & the water, made sure everything was OK, because I just had to drive it home. It's my first tractor. I was as happy as a girl could be flying 4 miles an hour down that dirt road home. Until... Yep, it got louder, not knocking, just louder, & smoking like crazy. I shut it right down. Hung my head as my husband hooked the chain on it to tow me home the last 2 miles. To put salt in the wound my husband is one of those Green lovers(yuck,) but I still love him. Now we have to cross the highway to get to the house only 6 more blocks to home and we get stopped by the sheriff who is a friend of ours. yea so now he's giving me a hard time picking on me. Well it's home, dead, but home. It's dark out to bummed to even look at it and figure out where to start now. Think I'll just have another Pepsi and go to bed and sulk like that little kid who just got that new toy he or she wanted so bad for Christmas just to have it break before you can even show it off. Our big club show is in 2 weeks. I don't think it's going to make it this year.
Make sure the air intake to the oil bath is not stopped up and was sucking oil out of the oil bath air cleaner.

Gkad to hear you got it, i bet it killed him adding that to the shed.
I also have one odd tractor that happens to be "green" , it's only good for cutting grass.

Now get yourself the correct ballcap to rub it in a little more.
Lots of helpers here. Most of us are color blind - we just like to help. Maybe you'll make that show after-all.
Every time I buy a good new red ball cap. He buys another dang green one. Oh well, keep spice in the marriage!
When it got louder and smoking, was it black or blue smoke? Saw an engine once that had an oil pump malfunction. Started to labour and smoke very severly. Got it shut down in time to save it.
The tractor does not smoke. It did steam from being hot. We checked and it's getting gas. We did fing the number 2 is very loose. 1 & 3 are a little loose also. Hubby is going to tear into it tomorrow. Hope for the best.

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