400 farmall selanoid wiring diagrahm


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This message is a reply to an archived post by Matt Weltz on September 07, 2009 at 12:12:49.<br>The original subject was "Re: Farmall 400 12V Conversion".<br><br>Hello I have a 400 farmall that I just bought trying to replace the selanoid the one I have has two large posts one from the battery the other large post goes to the starter and there is one little post on top with a wire coming from it now I can"t get the exact selanoid any where I have been online called IHC went to napa went to the value auto or hedahls my problem is all they have is 4 post selanoids 2 large 2 small on the new selanoid the small posts are marked I or S can someone tell me where the small wire on my old selanoid I have comes from. the 2 large wires go on the battery and the other large post sets on the starter post
The S terminal goes to the Start terminal of the ignition Key(just like the original). The I terminal goes to the coil side of the ballast resister )if
it has one. If it has a 12v coil with no ballast required ignore this terminal. Jim

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